3 Replies to “Tonight’s dramatic sunset series. Plainfield, New Hampshire 2/26/24”

  1. Nature offers an antidote for those that deemed their day was “bad”. It is an offering of an extraordinary sunset which can reset that frame of mind. It is transcending, which is vital to mental health. It is quite difficult to describe the glory to those of us bereft of sight. Here we have the contrast and contours of the cobalt hued Mt. Ascutney and the darkened hills and clouds reflecting and absorbing the corals, oranges, yellows, and golds with the violet sky. Nature is the supreme artist both on this grand scale and the microscopic and all the in between. Thank you for sharing.

      1. Thank you, William. I credit and appreciate nature as my inspiration. The words I know and choose are quite inadequate but I nevertheless feel compelled to offer an ode to its wonder and the awe I feel.

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